Vul-Kar Welcomes You!

If you have never heard of Fireball Island before, you're safe in assuming that it is the best board game in the universe. On this site you will find exclusive information that can help you extend the life of the game, like the new INFERNO item expansion rule set. There is also a guide on how to modify Vul-Kar with LED eyes! There is never a dull day on the island when you're playing with INFERNO!

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Fireball Island Images

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Fireball Island Inferno Expansion

INFERNO Item Expansion Rules
Card Set 1
Card Set 2
Card Set 3
Card Set 4
Card Set 5
Card Set 6

Fireball Island Documents

Vul-Kar LED Eye Mod Instructions
Clue Expansion Revised Rules (DOC)
Clue Expansion Rules (DOC)
Official Fireball Island Manual (PDF)

Fireball Island Links
X-Entertainment Article on Fireball Island
BoardGameGeek: Fireball Island

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